Mallorca Premium Health - Fertility


Artificial insemination

Technique that consists of processing semen in the laboratory to improve its quality and inserting it into the uterine cavity. This semen may come from the woman’s partner or a donor.

It consists of three stages:

  • First, ovarian stimulation is performed to later cause ovulation. This initial stage lasts between 7 and 10 days.
  • Preparation of the sperm sample.
  • Insemination. Introduction of the processed semen into the uterine cavity through a cannula around 36 hours after the ovule matures.

This procedure does not require anaesthesia, as it is painless. It only calls for a rest of 10-15 minutes after it is performed, then the woman can continue with her usual activities.

This is the simplest and most commonly used assisted reproduction technique for single mothers.

In vitro fertilisation

The conventional in vitro fertilisation or IVF technique consists of uniting the ovule and sperm spontaneously in the laboratory. When this union progresses, fertilisation takes place.

At first, ovarian stimulation is performed, a controlled process with blood analyses and/ or vaginal ultrasounds. Then the ovules are extracted by puncturing the ovaries and sucking the follicles through the vagina. This is an outpatient procedure that requires anaesthesia. The ovules obtained are prepared in the laboratory.

Once the ovules are obtained, semen must be made available from the woman’s partner or a donor. The most suitable sperm for fertilisation are selected.

When performing IVF, the ovules and sperm cells are cultured together for spontaneous union. The next day, the number of fertilised ovules is determined. The number and quality of the embryos are determined over the course of the next two to six days before they are finally transferred.

Transfer consists of introducing the embryos into the uterine cavity. This procedure does not require the patient to be admitted and is painless, so there is no need for anaesthesia. The maximum number of embryos that can be legally transferred is three. The remaining viable embryos, if any, can be frozen for later use.

Transfer of cryo-preserved embryos

This procedure is performed after in vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment when the surplus good-quality embryos may be subjected to a vitrification (ultra-fast freezing) process with 95% survival rates.

This is a simple technique that consists of hormonal treatment for preparing the endometrium (where the embryos will nest), devitrifying the embryos and finally proceeding to transfer them (a legal maximum of three).

ROPA method (reception of oocytes from a partner)

Lesbian mothers: experience motherhood with your partner just as you have always dreamed.

Reception of the couple’s ovules consists of fertilising the ovules of one of them (the female donor) with the semen of an anonymous donor. The embryo obtained is then implanted in the uterus of the female donor’s partner (receiver), meaning that both actively participate in the creation and birth of their baby.

Fertility preservation

You may decide when to be a mother, but only by preserving your eggs will you have the greatest possible chance of becoming pregnant whenever you wish.

Oocyte vitrification. Technique developed to preserve oocytes at a very low temperature, which allows the woman to delay motherhood with guarantees. It offers great advantages:

  • Motherhood can be delayed for personal or work-related reasons
  • Women can become mothers after undergoing cancer treatment
  • It provides an alternative when a couple does not want to freeze embryos after IVF due to ethical or moral convictions
  • The accumulation of oocytes from several cycles of ovarian stimulation provides a greater number of embryos for choosing those most likely to be implanted in the uterus
  • It decreases the severity of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

There are currently different options and treatments for preserving the fertility of patients with cancer:

  • Cryo-preservation of embryos
  • Cryo-preservation of ovarian tissue (performed via laparoscopic surgery)
  • Ovarian transposition
  • Medical gonad protection

There are also techniques to preserve a man’s fertility:

Cryo-preservation of semen

  • Semen from donors
  • Semen from men with a low sperm count
  • “Valuable” semen from patients that need chemotherapy, teratogenic treatments or a vasectomy, or semen obtained via testicle biopsy
  • Semen from patients who travel frequently and cannot ensure that they will be available during the assisted reproduction process

Cryo-preservation of testicular tissue. A sample of testicular tissue is removed by biopsy. This is done when there are no sperm in the semen or when ejaculation is impossible, for the purpose of obtaining sperm for IVF and diagnosing the cause of the problem.

Egg donation

Donating allows a woman with fertility problems to fulfil the dream of being a mother thanks to your act of altruism.

Fertility problems are an increasingly frequent problem due to the pace of modern life, which delays the age of procreation more and more.

The requirements to be a donor include:

  • You must be between 18 and 35 years of age
  • Normal ovulatory function
  • Reproductive system within normal parameters
  • Having been a mother previously is considered a plus
  • You cannot suffer from any deformations or any genetic, congenital or hereditary diseases
  • You must test negative for sexually transmitted diseases
  • You cannot have been adopted (you must know the medical history of your close relatives)
  • You cannot have given birth to over six children
  • You must be physically and mentally healthy

The technique consists of performing controlled stimulation of ovulation, with ultrasound and analytical follow-up, to finally extract the ovules via the vagina with a puncture aspiration system. It is conducted with the patient under sedation and lasts approximately 15-20 minutes.

Receiving oocytes

Treatment indicated for women who do not have ovules capable of producing a healthy and developed embryo. The technique consists of conventional in vitro fertilisation, but with the ovules of a female donor, which are then fertilised with the semen of the patient’s male partner or of a donor, if appropriate. The embryos are then transferred to the recipient’s uterus.

Genetic diagnosis

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis is a procedure aimed at preventing the transmission of hereditary disorders. It is used in conjunction with IVF/ICSI.

Fertile Chip

There are some patients whose semen analysis results are normal, but whose sperm have changed due to high fragmentation of the genetic material that is not related to sperm count, motility or morphology and requires further study.

Fertile Chip is a device that offers the possibility of enhancing sperm selection and enables the preparation of seminal samples for use in assisted reproduction techniques.