Mallorca Premium Health - Aesthetic Surgery


Breast surgery

Breast augmentation

One of the most commonly requested aesthetic surgical procedures, breast augmentation increases the size and firmness of a woman’s breasts.

It can be performed via two techniques: breast augmentation with silicone prostheses or breast augmentation with the patient’s own fat.

A small and nearly imperceptible incision is made in the submammary fold, in the lower edge of the areola or in the armpit, depending on the case.

Silicone prostheses with highly cohesive gel are classified according to their round or anatomical shape (teardrop shape). All the prostheses used are certified as required by the EEC (European Economic Community).

The surgery is performed under general anaesthesia and lasts approximately two hours. It requires draining and a special bandage for the first 24-48 hours. The results are visible immediately. Patients are discharged in less than 24 hours and can go back to work a few days after surgery.

Breast reduction

Women with large breasts may have problems such as back or neck pain, breathing problems or skin irritation under the breast.

This procedure decreases the size of the breasts, making them smaller, lighter, firmer and more proportionate to the rest of the body.

The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia and lasts approximately two to four hours. Patients are discharged in about 24-48 hours and can resume their normal life in a few days, returning to work in about two to three weeks.

The result can be assessed six months after surgery, with the scars improving for up to 12-18 months.

This surgery is not recommended in women who intend to breastfeed after pregnancy, since it may cause changes in lactation.

Mastopexy or breast lift

Over the years, after pregnancy and breastfeeding and due to the effect of gravity, the breasts may lose their firmness. By means of this technique, the breast is lifted or raised, placing the areola and nipple in their correct position, achieving aesthetically pleasing breast shape and volume. This surgery may be accompanied by breast augmentation (using silicone or fat prostheses) or breast reduction.

The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia and lasts approximately 1.5-2.5 hours. Patients can be discharged after 24 hours. After surgery, they may return to work in a few days. The final result can be assessed after sixth months, though the scars will improve for up to 12-18 months.


Gynaecomastia is a disorder characterised by an increase in breast tissue in men. The purpose of surgery is to remove the mammary gland and excess fat from the chest area.

Different techniques are performed in the same operation, such as liposuction, subcutaneous mastectomy and mastopexy, if necessary, to achieve an optimal result.

The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia and involves a stay of less than 24 hours. The use of a thoracic belt after surgery is required.

After a few days life can almost return to normal, through intense physical activity is not recommended during the first month. The results can be assessed in the first month, with definitive results by the sixth month.

Body contouring surgery


Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to achieve a flatter and firmer abdomen and a thinner waist by removing excess skin and abdominal fat and correcting muscle flaccidity. This accumulation of excess skin and relaxation of the abdominal wall usually occurs in patients who have gained and subsequently lost weight and in women after several pregnancies.

The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia and requires the placement of drains. Patients stay in the hospital for two to three days. After surgery, a special belt should be worn. It takes one month of recovery to perform regular physical activity.


Liposuction is a procedure designed to correct parts of the body where accumulations of fat persist despite dieting.

The procedure is performed in the operating room, usually with local anaesthesia and sedation, although general anaesthesia is sometimes required.

The technique consists of sucking the fat through a cannula connected to a vacuum machine or a special syringe. The aspirated fat can be reused to give volume to other areas such as the buttocks, breasts and face.

After the procedure, a compressive bandage or elastic garment is worn to minimise the appearance of bruising and inflammation. The results can be evaluated after three months.

Laparoscopic plication of rectus abdominis muscles

Diastasis recti refers to the separation of the rectus muscles of the abdomen, which leads to the anterior projection of the abdominal wall. The most frequent causes include pregnancy and obesity.

This procedure involves suturing the muscles to rejoin them in the midline, known as the linea alba, or white line. It is performed via laparoscopy, using a minimally invasive technique that involves making three small incisions in the abdominal wall so any possible hernias can be repaired before suturing the rectus muscle back together with the midline. A mesh is also added during the operation to reinforce the area, allowing the muscle to regain its original strength and tension. After surgery, drainage and strict use of the belt are required for one month.

Facial surgery


This procedure is designed to remove fat and excess skin and muscle from the upper and lower eyelids. It corrects drooping upper eyelids and bags under the eyes. This procedure does not eliminate “crow’s feet” or drooping eyebrows.

The surgery is performed under local anaesthesia and sedation in most cases. It lasts from one to three hours. After surgery, an ophthalmic ointment and some dressings with very cold physiological saline are applied to reduce discomfort and inflammation, which together with the bruising, usually persist during the first week.

The results are very encouraging and long-lasting and most patients can resume normal life in about 10-12 days.


Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that is performed to remodel or correct deformities of the nose. It consists of modifying the bone and cartilaginous structures of the nose to achieve a new shape more harmonious with the face. If it also involves correction of the nasal septum, it is called rhinoseptoplasty.

The surgery is performed under general anaesthesia and lasts one hour. The incisions are made internally, so there are no visible scars. When it is finished, a plaster splint is worn for one week. You can resume your normal life in about eight to 10 days.


The most commonly requested surgical procedure for the ears is otoplasty, the correction of “protruding ears”.

The procedure is performed under local or general anaesthesia. The incision is made behind the ear, so the scars are practically imperceptible. After the surgery, a bandage is worn for one week to modulate the ears and ensure that they heal in the proper position. An elastic band is then worn for two more weeks to prevent the ears from folding forward when sleeping at night. The result of the surgery is permanent and only in rare cases does it present complications or require subsequent adjustments.

Cervico-facial lift

The cervico-facial lift or lower mini facelift is a procedure that aims to tighten the skin of the face and neck to reduce wrinkles or folds.

The operation can be performed with general anaesthesia or local anaesthesia and sedation, depending on the case, and lasts from two to four hours. It requires the placement of drains. The scars are usually hidden in the scalp, so they are practically imperceptible.

You can resume your normal life 20 days after the operation.

Intimate surgery or genital reshaping

The aim of this type of surgery is to rejuvenate the external genitalia. With age, the labia majora lose volume and elasticity. The labia minora hypertrophy and can surpass the labia majora.

Different techniques include liposuction of the mons pubis, augmentation of the labia majora and reduction of the labia minora.

Nymphoplasty or plasty of the labia minora is one of the most frequently requested procedures and consists of correcting alterations of normal development in the labia minora, either due to congenital reasons (from birth) or to later problems such as hypertrophic (too big), asymmetric or hanging labia minora. Some women request this surgery because they experience discomfort from the friction of certain tight clothing or underwear, experience pain during sexual intercourse or desire it for aesthetic reasons.

Patients do not have to be admitted for this procedure, which lasts from one to two hours and is performed under local anaesthesia and sedation. No stitches will need to be removed.

The results are permanent and immediate, with no noticeable scars. Patients must rest for the first 48-72 hours.

Male genitalia can also undergo surgery to improve its appearance and the patient’s self-esteem. Procedures include lengthening and/or thickening the penis and scrotal plasty.